Monday, September 10, 2012

Produce Stands And Summer!

If I pull from my drive way and head straight down Hwy. 11 going North, I pass three produce stands within only five miles. That doesn't count the folks selling out of the back of their trucks, just the official stands. You see, I live in peach country and it doesn't matter which direction I travel, I'll pass orchards scattered throughout. These stands rely on you and I to buy local for their survival. If we don't buy from them and just pick it up at the grocery store because it's more convenient then it hurts our local economy. Did you know that even though South Carolina is one of the leading peach growing states that we aren't allowed to ship our peaches into California? They can ship their peaches here, but they won't take ours. Nothing against California at all, I enjoy many produce items from there when ours aren't in season. Just sayin', stop by and see your local farmers at their stands and visit the large farmer's markets in your area. That's a great weekend trip for families to take too. Your kids get sort of a day in the country atmosphere and you can buy fresh, local goodies for them to eat!

I took these photos at McDowell's farm and produce stand on Hwy. 11 between New Prospect and Chesnee, S.C. Know what this field is? It's where next year's strawberries will grow! Less than two weeks ago, it was filled with the tastiest cantaloupes I've ever eaten. 
S.C. agriculture is a good thing and if you're lucky enough to live here, please take full advantage!

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