Saturday, June 2, 2012


I know, I know, I've used this pic of Gus several times, but when I think of patience, I think of Gus. He is the epitome of patience. When you look up patience in the dictionary, his picture is right beside the word description. Okay enough. He really is patient though.
I'm writing about patience today because I don't seem to be able to find a design for this blog that I can live with for more than a week or two. I keep telling myself that if I'm patient the right thing will come along. WELL... I liked the quilt design, but it looked too much like Autumn, so I went back to the 'drawing board' so to speak and went to work. I like the new one, but just okay. The real problem here is that I need something of my own. Not something I've plucked from the themes offered or something from the internet. I'm playing with an idea now, and will be working with JD's brother soon on a new design that's mine, with his help of course.
So until that happens, I need a little patience, and I hope you'll have a little of your own.
I also promise not to use any variance of the word 'patient' for awhile. Or design....

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