Friday, June 15, 2012

Oh My!

It's official. Grace Ivey there on the left and Miss Lottie on the right, are now Bruce Ivey and Mr. Lott. Yep, they are roosters. Two days ago I held both of them. Today, I was watching my back while  cleaning out the coop. I'm a little leery now, if you know what I mean. Both of them were crowing like crazy just before dawn today so when
my friend Melissa, who was raised around chickens arrived this morning, she declared both of them to be roosters . So now what? I'm sorry to say that they'll both be going back to where they came from. I called the farm this morning and offered to bring both of them back in exchange for another hen. The lady gladly consented, thank heavens...
Work has progressed slowly here this week. Melissa and I have been busy with our small business endeavor and are looking forward to having some items to sell next week. Y'all, I never realized how tough it was going to be to get this thing up and running. Especially when two friends who like to giggle are the ones doing the work...
Maybe she should work at her house and I should work at the cottage. It won't be nearly as much fun, but I'm sure more would be accomplished...
Well, I have to go and fry some fresh squash for dinner tonight. JD's mother has given us a few and they are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks MR and Mr. M, I know they'll be delicious!
I'll post the recipe and photos this weekend on Cottage Cuisine
It's not gonna be easy saying good-bye to Miss Lottie and Grace Ivey.
I sure will miss those girls guys...

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