Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Day Of Firsts...

Yesterday was a day of firsts indeed. I picked my first tomato of the season. They were planted rather late, around the end of May so I really hadn't expected them to start coming in before now. And even though it was a tiny thing the taste was absolutely out of this world! That did surprise me a bit, because they don't receive much sun where they're planted. I only had two that were ready and to be honest, I didn't see many blooms coming on. Maybe a dose from the compost pile is in order...

Yesterday was also the day for the first egg from the hens. I can't begin to explain how much joy this brought me. My little Flossie wins the prize for being the first. I'm so proud of her and she seemed purdy darn proud herself. She's a sweet girl, she runs up to me and even lays down at my feet, waiting for me to stroke her back. Love me some Flossie, and the rest of them too! I haven't cooked the egg yet because Flossie is a bantam (very small) her eggs are small too, it's going to take a few to make it worth the effort, but well worth the wait, I'm sure.

Hopefully this weekend I'll be getting some cabbage, collard, spinach and lettuce seeds planted, and before too long I'll have another day of firsts...

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